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研究方向: 疾病和非疾病表型的基因分析和群体遗传学研究。自2012年以来,一直从事人类表型特征的基因分析研究。通过拉丁美洲的混合人群样本研究美洲原住民、非洲人和欧洲人的表型特征的区别,并利用遗传数据来推断欧亚大陆、美洲和非洲次大陆的起源问题。

1986-1988. CESTA fellow of the French Ministry of Research.  

1988-1991. Overseas Research Student (ORS) Award from the Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom.     

1993. Genetics Society of America award.

1995. Ciba (now Novartis) Foundation Fellow.

2002. Young Investigator Award. The National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (USA).

2002-2005. Editorial board member. Annals of Human Genetics.

2005-2007. Senior Editor. Annals of Human Genetics.

2008-2015. Editor in Chief. Annals of Human Genetics.

2014-2016. Nominations Committee member. American Society of Human Genetics.


1. Adhikari K, Chacon-Duque, Mendoza-Revilla J., Fuentes-Guajardo M., Ruiz-Linares A. (2017) The Genetic Diversity of the Americas. Annual Review of Genomics & Human Genetics. 18:277–96.

2. Adhikari K, Mendoza-Revilla J, Chacon-Duque JC, Fuentes-Guajardo M & Ruiz-Linares A (2016) Admixture in Latin America. Current opinion in genetics & development 41:106-114.

3. Adhikari K, Fuentes-Guajardo M, Quinto-Sanchez M, Mendoza-Revilla J, Camilo Chacon-Duque J, Acuna-Alonzo V, Jaramillo C, Arias W, Lozano RB, Perez GM, Gomez-Valdes J, Villamil-Ramirez H, Hunemeier T, Ramallo V, Silva de Cerqueira CC, Hurtado M, Villegas V, Granja V, Gallo C, Poletti G, Schuler-Faccini L, Salzano FM, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Cheeseman M, Rosique J, Bedoya G, Rothhammer F, Headon D, Gonzalez-Jose R, Balding D & Ruiz-Linares A (2016) A genome-wide association scan implicates DCHS2, RUNX2, GLI3, PAX1 and EDAR in human facial variation. Nat Commun 7:11616.

4. Adhikari K, Fontanil T, Cal S, Mendoza-Revilla J, Fuentes-Guajardo M, Chacon-Duque JC, Al-Saadi F, Johansson JA, Quinto-Sanchez M, Acuna-Alonzo V, Jaramillo C, Arias W, Barquera Lozano R, Macin Perez G, Gomez-Valdes J, Villamil-Ramirez H, Hunemeier T, Ramallo V, Silva de Cerqueira CC, Hurtado M, Villegas V, Granja V, Gallo C, Poletti G, Schuler-Faccini L, Salzano FM, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Rothhammer F, Bedoya G, Gonzalez-Jose R, Headon D, Lopez-Otin C, Tobin DJ, Balding D & Ruiz-Linares A (2016) A genome-wide association scan in admixed Latin Americans identifies loci influencing facial and scalp hair features. Nat Commun 7:10815.

5. Adhikari K, Reales G, Smith AJ, Konka E, Palmen J, Quinto-Sanchez M, Acuna-Alonzo V, Jaramillo C, Arias W, Fuentes M, Pizarro M, Barquera Lozano R, Macin Perez G, Gomez-Valdes J, Villamil-Ramirez H, Hunemeier T, Ramallo V, Silva de Cerqueira CC, Hurtado M, Villegas V, Granja V, Gallo C, Poletti G, Schuler-Faccini L, Salzano FM, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Rothhammer F, Bedoya G, Calderon R, Rosique J, Cheeseman M, Bhutta MF, Humphries SE, Gonzalez-Jose R, Headon D, Balding D & Ruiz-Linares A (2015) A genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci for variation in human ear morphology. Nat Commun 6:7500.

6. Ruiz-Linares A, Adhikari K, Acuna-Alonzo V, Quinto-Sanchez M, Jaramillo C, Arias W, Fuentes M, Pizarro M, Everardo P, de Avila F, Gomez-Valdes J, Leon-Mimila P, Hunemeier T, Ramallo V, Silva de Cerqueira CC, Burley MW, Konca E, de Oliveira MZ, Veronez MR, Rubio-Codina M, Attanasio O, Gibbon S, Ray N, Gallo C, Poletti G, Rosique J, Schuler-Faccini L, Salzano FM, Bortolini MC, Canizales-Quinteros S, Rothhammer F, Bedoya G, Balding D & Gonzalez-Jose R (2014) Admixture in Latin America: geographic structure, phenotypic diversity and self-perception of ancestry based on 7,342 individuals. PLoS Genet 10(9):e1004572.

7. Ruiz-Linares A (2014) How genes have illuminated the history of early Americans and Latino Americans. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 7(6).

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